Hand Blended SABBAT Herb Mixes ~ You Choose ~
- £5.50
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Our Herb Mixes ~
Our herb mixes are hand crafted using a traditional mortar and pestle, our own tried and tested recipes, herbs, salts, essences, elixirs and essential oils. Each is created in sacred space and consciously crafted with its desired energy in mind.
Our Sabbat herb mixes are crafted to add herbal magic and energy into your Sabbat work as you celebrate the changing of the wheel of the year. They can be used in charms, gris gris, as offerings, to dress candles or to charge gemstones.
Please select your option from the drop down menu.
SAMHAIN - Samhain is celebrated on the 31st October and is a time where we honour our ancestors. It is the Wiccan new year and a time of transformation, divination and letting go.
YULE - Yule is celebrated on the 21st Decemeber and is also known as the Winter Solstice. It marks the rebirth of the sun and is the shortest day of the year. Here we can look forward to the coming new light.
IMBOLC - Imbolc is celebrated on February the 2nd and is the festival of the Goddess Brighid. The Goddess moves from Crone to Maiden aspect and we welcome in the new light. A great time for healing!
OSTARA - Ostara is celebrated on March 21st/22nd and is also knows as the Soring Equinox. A time for spell craft involving fertility and renewal.
BELTANE - Beltane is celebrated from April 30th eve to 1st May. A great time for Handfastings, fertility spells, renewal and sewing seeds for the future.
SUMMER SOLSTICE - Also known as Litha is celebrated on the 21st June. This day belongs to the Sun God and is a time for prosperity, protection, romance, blessings and luck.
LAMMAS - Lammas is celebrated 1st August and is a time of harvest! Here we celebrate and draw in all that we have sewn earlier in the year. It is a time to give thanks and a time to refresh things like our home protection workings preparing for winters start.
MABON - Mabon celebrated 21st September is also known as the Autumn Equinox. Its the time of equal day and equal night so perfect for any spell craft involcing creating balance and harmony. Some things may start to come to an end this time of year so we celebrate the success we have had thus far.