Happy Home Floor Wash 20g
- £5.00
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When we clear the energy in our home we often forget one big thing.....THE FLOOR!!
We walk all over it, everyone passing through your home comes into contact with it and its absorbing energy just like the rest of your home.
Herbal floor washes have been used all through history to remove negative energy, invite in positive energies and protect from illness.
Our floor washes are made with specially chosen and charged herbs and salts. This particular wash is to invite happiness, calm, relaxation and good communication into the home. Ideal if you have been having some turbulant times or if you just want to keep things happy and flowing in your household.
There are several ways to use and make the most of floor washes...
First to make the brew boil a kettle and pour the boiling water over the amount of floor wash mix you want to make up. Leave to steap until cool then strain. Alternatively you can make a small gris gris out of muslin and brew it that way so you dont have to strain.
1. If you have wooden floors and mop reguarly then you just add a batch to your mob bucket and clean the floors as usual
2. If you have carpets obviously you dont want to soak them! So you will need a mob bucket with a very good ringer. Dip you mob in the solution and ring out until virtually dry (if you dont have a ringer then get it as rung out as you can and run it over a tea towel first) then take the almost dry mop over all your carpets.
3. This is a method i have been told by several customs with carpets and wood floors who have a steamer at home. Add your brew to the steamer and then steam your carpets as usual. Wash out the steamer thoroughly afterwards and steam some fresh water through it.